Monday, September 03, 2007

Fascinating photos of creatures

The mangrove cat snakes with jaws wide open to show how white its fangs are.It is a very rare (to me).

Singapore's largest predator goes to........drumroll........the White-bellied sea eagle!!!

Photos contributed by:Uncle Derek Liew


Ria Tan said...

Wow! What fabulous photos!

Thanks for sharing them.

Uncle Derek takes very good photos!

Leshon said...

Thanks! welcome to my blog. Heard alot abt u!

Leshon said...

Thanks for all the newsletters, Ria or Auntie Ria (how shd I address you)?

NomGennieNom said...

hey leshon. very nice pic. keep up the good work.

NomGennieNom said...

for ur info im gennie.