Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Grown

It's so exciting to see the green peppers turned red !

Orgainic and fresh, but why the colour of the lady's fingers still light green ?


NomGennieNom said...

good work. how i envy u. sigh. too bad my family not as rich and as free as yours. my family not say very poor lah just that the three meals still can afford lorz. my familys schedule very tight so no time to do all this things like your family. anyway, gd work and keep up the gd work cause very nice. yeah!!!! im the first to comment on your post!! cheese!!! nah just jokin. have fun. and study well for your exams. I am going to defeat you in your science so watch out!!! by the way im gennie.

elisabeth said...

OMGsh !!!
Are these home-grown ?
In your garden ??
LOLs .
So next time you don't have to buy peppers fr the supermket .
LOLs .
JIAYOUs for SA1 !!
I shall defeat u in ENGLISH .
Mwahahahahaha !!!